Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So, What Made The New England Colonies Different?

After having written about both the New England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies, what are some ways in which the New England colonies were different?

The New England colonies differed greatly from those of the Chesapeake in many ways. The Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies were unique in that, unlike the Dutch, French, Spanish, and the Jamestown settlers, the Puritans and Separatists came to North America in family units. Although all of the early settlers faced hardships, the New England colonists came prepared to stay for a long period of time--they built proper shelter, they learned to farm and fish in the new climate, and they built a comraderous relationship with the Natives who occupied the area.

The Spanish and the settlers of Jamestown sought three things when they came to the Americas: God, glory, and gold. They were sent to search for gold and make their respective mother countries rich, they were expected to convert the Natives to the respective religions, and they wanted to make names for themselves (thus, glory).

The French and Dutch were primarily interested in trade and making moolah, although the French did make attempts to convert the Natives to Catholicism.

So, that's about it. Stay tuned for more posts soon!

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